David Keitel
- Served on a collaboration paper writing team:
- paper Early O3 all-sky binary CW
- paper O3 narrow-band pulsar CW
- Served on the analysis team of a collaboration paper:
- paper Early O3 all-sky isolated CW
- paper O3 narrow-band pulsar CW
- Served on a collaboration paper review team:
- paper Early O3 supernova remnants CW
- paper Full O3 Galactic Centre CW
- Served on a code review team:
- pesummary
- BSD search code (O3)
- FrequencyHough search code (O2)
- Served as a committee member (DEI, Climate Change, LAAC, LIGO Magazine…):
- member of the LSC council 2020-2025
- member of the LSC program committee 2021-2024
- member of the LSC management team 2023-2025
- I led a collaboration paper writing team:
- paper GW170817 post-merger long
- paper O3a lensing
- I led the analysis team of a collaboration paper:
- paper GW170817 post-merger long
- paper O3 narrow-band pulsar CW
- Chaired a working group/sub group/committee/division:
- co-chair of the Continuous Waves First Detection Readiness Committee 2022-2023
- co-chair of the Continuous Waves working group 2022-2025
- Provided P&P reviews of short-author LSC papers:
- paper P1700083
- paper P1800101
- paper P1800273
- paper P1900027
- paper P1900078
- paper P1900157
- paper P1900236
- paper P1900266
- paper P2000222
- paper P2100131
- paper P2100279
- paper P2200086
- paper P2300156
- paper P2300290
- paper P2300462
- paper P2400103
- Develops and/or maintains core software used in collaboration activities (e.g., production analyses or detector controls):
- lalpulsar
- PyFstat
- Wrote the Science Summary for a collaboration paper:
- summary for O3NarrowbandCW
- summary for O3aLensing
- Translated a Science Summary into another language:
- translated GW150914 into German
- translated GW151226 into German
- translated GW170104 into German
- translated GW170817 into German
- translated GW170817MMA into German
- translated GW190425 into German
- Served as a poster prize judge:
- LVK meeting September 2021
- Authored an article for the LIGO magazine:
- “Science summaries - Explaining LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA results to the global public” 2021
- “Continuous-waves - a new type of signal from O4” 2023
- Produced or maintains an LVK EPO resource (e.g., Humans of LIGO blog, science summary figure, etc.):
- Coordinated LVC/LVK science summaries 2018-2024
- Served as a reviewer for annual LSC institution MOUs:
- 2024
Created on 2024-08-26
Updated on 2024-08-26