Anamaria Effler

Anamaria Effler

Senior member

Election statement I am a scientist at LIGO Livingston working primarily on commissioning. During my graduate studies at LSU I was a graduate student LAAC representative, so I have a bit of experience with this body. I am also a member of the LSC council. To me the LAAC is important because we are a large collaboration and that makes it harder to do several things: introduce new people to LIGO such that they can work effectively rather quickly, give new/younger-career people the tools and networking they need to advance, and have their work stand out, etc. I have supervised students from all over the collaboration as they’ve come to the site, so I hope that experience can replace the small-LSC-group/professorial know-how that’s important for the LAAC. There are others on the committee to provide that. I believe we should work to understand where in our MO as a collaboration there’s issues which leave young-career people falling through the cracks (or just plain frustrated) and try to address them. Science is hard enough without such problems.